Comments on: On Racism & Traveling : Hilarious to Insulting Encounters on the Road Travel & Food, Itineraries & Guides, Hotel Reviews Thu, 26 Jan 2017 15:49:47 +0000 hourly 1 By: Marc Thu, 26 Jan 2017 15:49:47 +0000 Similarly, I’m a Filipino of a Chinese descent and what you wrote here is true! =(

By: Britney Thu, 21 Jan 2016 02:48:50 +0000 Omg racism is so real lol. I’m a black woman and I’ve been living in Thailand for 5 months now and I’ve gotten everything from people following me and asking me to take a picture with them to people randomly touching my skin and pulling on my hair to people yelling out chocolate and the Thai version of the n word. The attention placed on my skin and hair honestly was expected but I agree with what you said when you said it’s an isolating experience. I work with some amazing people but they don’t share the same experiences and so I don’t even try and talk to them about it.

By: paul | walkflypinoy Thu, 07 May 2015 05:16:04 +0000 Very amusing. 🙂 I have the solid middle class Pinoy look (I guess). Quite standard. I’ve been everything from Thai, Nepali, Chinese, Japanese, and even Canadian. Lol. I’m always curious by how Filipinos are identified (and misidentified) abroad. Amusing mostly, but the ching chong ching in Salamanca though, now that’s super annoying. I would’ve busted out my fluent Spanish right there. Haha.

By: Ed Hernandez Thu, 04 Sep 2014 13:39:23 +0000 I was in the U.S. Military and a fellow sailor, one time, incredulously told me that I wasn’t “Asian, you’re from the Philippines.” He’s a blond blue-eyed 21-year old from Alabama. Go figure.

By: Andrea Thu, 04 Sep 2014 06:37:16 +0000 I’ve been following your blog for quite a time
now, and I didn’t know you were also a Filipino. That’s why whenever I travel, I tend to dress well, or at least better than how I usually dress in the Philippines, to show foreigners that just like in their country, we have different professions too. Not everybody in the Philippines are maids. I think it is more annoying for us Filipinas, because they seem to have other images of us as well. Or they think we are always on the look out for a sugar-daddy. Which I find very annoying. Just because I am from a 3rd world country doesn’t mean that I cannot afford to travel in a first world country.
